Personal Injury

Had an accident? Not your fault?

Here at St Helens Law we have a dedicated team

Doing More Than Just Giving the Client A Cheque

Over the last twenty or so years, a lot of

Holiday Claims: No Need To Go Abroad To Take Legal Action

Being injured abroad is no fun. If you are injured

Recovery of State Benefits

Often, after an accident, the injured person will receive state

The Benefits of Early Treatment Following a Car Accident

Overall having the treatment quite soon gets a patient back

Road Traffic Accidents, Insurance Companies, Solicitors, and You

The staff here at St Helens Law have over thirty

Can I Be Compensated If the Other Driver Drives Off or Is Not Insured?

  So often after motor accidents, the driver responsible will

Manual Handling Injuries

Suffered a manual handling injury at work? Do you know

Claiming Compensation From Relatives

My interest  in this subject was alerted at an early

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